
Project site “Mosque” in DHA Islamabad


Just have started a new week with nice news and sunny weather today. It is not such a gloomy Monday.

Well, we are starting the preparation for Mosque project from today.

We have Japanese engineer who has above 20 years of experience from our JV company Wako.

As we are Japanese Company , that’s not usual happening to work on this kind of project since in Japan its uncommon even to see such mosque ,so this will be very challenging and appreciated.

Wish you have a nice day!

Updated by Marie


“Mosque Project” in DHA Islamabad and My Headquarters in Tokyo

IMG_3127Hello Friday!

Weeeeeell,  we got a news today ! Our “Mosque project” from DHA Islamabad is starting soon.

WE HAD BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG hearing about this until now!!


By the way, when I was back in Tokyo beginning of this month, I went to my headquarters. My office moved in new place and quite bigger nicer office than previous one but the area is still the same heart of city.

I am just sharing the entrance of my office , here you go 🙂



Our ongoing project in Lahore PAK

Hello, This is our first blog  😉

We haven’t yet any updated blogs until now,whereas it has been for months since we started here in Pakistan ,

I hope some people to keep watch our updates often!


Oh by the way,now its getting super warmer here in Lahore Pakistan.

We have been working on a project in Lahore.

This is kind of small part of big project in Lahore.



Chau ^^

Updated by Marie 🙂